What I believe 

I have been Wiccan/Pagan for over 6 years now and I see in it the calm and tranquility I find in no other religion I have looked into thus far. I believe that there is a Lord and a Lady, God and Godess, whichever you prefer, and they are here to give us guidance and are all around us, in the skies and all creation and within ourselves. I believe that they are equal, not one above the other, as humans and everything should be.We revere the earth as we should and respect all things on, in, and above it.We do not judge others for that is not our right. We are here in kindness and we are nonjudgemental, which can be hard at times. We have been given a gift of life and we are here to enrich it and when it comes time for us to travel to Summerland we take with us the knowledge that we have learned in this life and share it when we get there. Then we go on to the next life and start all over again. I strongly believe in the rule of three, what ever you send out will come back to you three fold, whether it is good or bad. And I live by the Wiccan Rede.....An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will. 

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Prairie Moon

Box 477
Clairmont, Alberta T0H 0W0